Baseball?…you mean softball right?
Nope! We play real baseball with overhand pitching, lead-offs, stealing bases, etc.
Do you play by MLB rules?
Mostly yes. A few differences are that we play 7 innings instead of 9. We also allow metal bats (you can use wooden if you’d like). The base path measurements are the same as MLB, there are lead-offs, stealing, and all that other fun stuff! Check out our rules page for more info.
What skill level are the players in the OWBL?
We’ve had complete beginners who’ve never played baseball/softball/slow-pitch before and we also have some players who have played for Team Ontario.
For beginners, we have the On Deck – Learn to Play Baseball program and for OWBL players looking for a higher level of competition we have the Toronto Fusion.
What do I need to bring?
A baseball glove, long athletic pants, cleats. (Note that most players wear baseball pants. Baseball pants are nice to have but are not a requirement.)
*If you don’t have a glove and/or cleats but want to play, let us know! We can give you some ideas on how to get some or may even have extra for you to borrow.
How much does it cost to play in regular league play?
$350 – The fee includes field costs, insurance, umpire fees, shared team equipment (bases, bats, baseballs, helmets, back catcher gear, etc). For players playing in league play, they will receive a baseball jersey, baseball hat, baseball socks, and a baseball belt.
*Note that the baseball jersey, hat, socks, and belt are only for new players to the league.
How much does the On Deck – Learn to Play Baseball program cost?
$225 – This fee includes field costs, insurance, and shared team equipment. If you start off with On Deck, and we think you have the potential to play in regular league play, you can upgrade.
* Note that members who register for regular league play can always participate in On Deck for no additional fee.

How old do you have to be to play?
17 years old and up. Note that we have players in our league who are teenagers, in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. We would of course welcome older players as well.
Is your league just for women?
The OWBL started off as a baseball league for women. Over the years we have expanded our membership definition to include all peoples who do not identify as male. This includes trans-women, non-binary, two-spirited, etc.
I’ve been away from organized sports for so long but want to be involved again. Is your league for me?
Absolutely! Baseball is a relatively low impact sport when you compare it to sports like hockey and soccer. It’s a great team sport to get involved in to keep active and meet new people.
I’m a complete beginner. I’m worried I’ll be in over my head. What should I do?
No sweat! In May 2022 we introduced our On Deck – Learn to Play Baseball program. New players to the league (and some existing players who’d like some more practice) embarked on an initial 8-week learn-to-play program followed by games and practices. (The entire program was 16 weeks). We plan to run this program again!
This program consists consist of weekly practices. You will be taught a different aspect of baseball each week including throwing basics, hitting, fielding ground balls, base stealing, etc. We’ll cover it all.
I want to play baseball competitively. Are there opportunities for this?
Absolutely! The Toronto Fusion is a competitive baseball team comprising of players from the OWBL. This competitive team plays semi-regularly in a boy’s house-league loop in the Royal York Baseball League on Thursday nights. They also regularly play in 2 international baseball tournaments yearly; The Diamond Classic in Baltimore and Roy Hobbs World Series in Florida.

When does the season run?
Games are played from May to late August. We play 16 games plus playoffs.
Where does the OWBL play?
We operate in the southwest corner of the city of Toronto. Field regularly used include:
Queensway Park @ 8 Avon Park Drive (The Queensway/Royal York Rd)
Date, Time and Length of games
DATES: Teams play on Mondays and/or Wednesdays.
TIME: Teams usually play once a week; however, occasionally play twice a week. The games start at 8 pm or 8:30 pm. Most players arrive at the field approximately 45 minutes before the game to warm up.
LENGTH: Games are 7 innings long; however, can be shorter depending on time. (no new inning is started after 2 hours and 15 minutes from the time of the first pitch)
ON DECK – LEARN TO PLAY BASEBALL PROGRAM: This program runs on Wednesdays 6:15pm to 7:30pm at Queensway Park. Check out our On Deck page for more info.
I don’t drive and your fields are not near subway stations. Do any players carpool?
We have players from all over. As long as you can make it to a TTC subway station in the area, we’ll do our best to coordinate a pick-up. Contact us if that’s you.
I’m not a beginner and want to play games right from the start. Can I do that or do I have to start in the development program?
That will be possible for some players.
I’m already playing in the league. Can I be a part of the On Deck – Learn to Play Baseball program?
Yes, absolutely. You can attend all of the sessions, or if you were just interested in some practice in a particular skill you come just to that/those sessions. There is no additional fee.
I’m a shift worker and can’t make it to every game OR I’m going on vacation for a few weeks. Can I pay a partial fee?
Unfortunately no. Like most other leagues, every player is expected to pay the full amount regardless of how many games they intend on attending.
Can I just try it out?
If you are unsure if you want to commit for a full season or want to check the league out first, by popular demand, we are implementing a $20 try-it-out option. Please contact us at info@owbl.ca if you are interested in this option.